- -the -=[OP6]=- home page - -
==clan forum==
==about our clan==

function Scroller(x, y, width, height, border, padding) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.border = border; this.padding = padding; this.items = new Array(); this.created = false; // Set default colors. this.fgColor = "#000000"; this.bgColor = "#ffffff"; this.bdColor = "#000000"; // Set default font. this.fontFace = "Arial,Helvetica"; this.fontSize = "1"; // Set default scroll timing values. this.speed = 90; this.pauseTime = 1000; // Define methods. this.setColors = scrollerSetColors; this.setFont = scrollerSetFont; this.setSpeed = scrollerSetSpeed; this.setPause = scrollersetPause; this.addItem = scrollerAddItem; this.create = scrollerCreate; this.show = scrollerShow; this.hide = scrollerHide; this.moveTo = scrollerMoveTo; this.moveBy = scrollerMoveBy; this.getzIndex = scrollerGetzIndex; this.setzIndex = scrollerSetzIndex; this.stop = scrollerStop; this.start = scrollerStart; } //***************************************************************************** // Scroller methods. //***************************************************************************** function scrollerSetColors(fgcolor, bgcolor, bdcolor) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fgColor = fgcolor; this.bgColor = bgcolor; this.bdColor = bdcolor; } function scrollerSetFont(face, size) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.fontFace = face; this.fontSize = size; } function scrollerSetSpeed(pps) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.speed = pps; } function scrollersetPause(ms) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.pauseTime = ms; } function scrollerAddItem(str) { if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.items[this.items.length] = str; } function scrollerCreate() { var start, end; var str; var i, j; var x, y; if (!isMinNS4 && !isMinIE4) return; // On first scroller, start interval timer. if (scrollerList.length == 0) setInterval('scrollerGo()', scrollerInterval); // Create the scroller only once. if (this.created) { alert("Scroller Error: Scroller has already been created."); return; } this.created = true; // Copy first item to the end of the list, this lets us scroll from the last // defined item to the first without jumping. this.items[this.items.length] = this.items[0]; // Set up HTML code for item text. start = '' + '
' + ''; end = '
'; // Build the layers. if (isMinNS4) { this.baseLayer = new Layer(this.width); this.scrollLayer = new Layer(this.width, this.baseLayer); this.scrollLayer.visibility = "inherit"; this.itemLayers = new Array(); for (i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { this.itemLayers[i] = new Layer(this.width, this.scrollLayer); this.itemLayers[i].document.open(); this.itemLayers[i].document.writeln(start + this.items[i] + end); this.itemLayers[i].document.close(); this.itemLayers[i].visibility = "inherit"; } // Set background colors. setBgColor(this.baseLayer, this.bdColor); setBgColor(this.scrollLayer, this.bgColor); } if (isMinIE4) { i = scrollerList.length; str = '

\n' + '
\n'; for (j = 0; j < this.items.length; j++) { str += '
\n' + start + this.items[j] + end + '
\n'; } str += '
\n' + '
\n'; // Insert HTML code at end of page. For IE4, need to scroll window to // end of page, insert and scroll back to correct bug. if (!isMinIE5) { x = getPageScrollX(); y = getPageScrollY(); window.scrollTo(getPageWidth(), getPageHeight()); } document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", str); if (!isMinIE5) window.scrollTo(x, y); // Get handles to each layer. this.baseLayer = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_baseLayer"); this.scrollLayer = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_scrollLayer"); this.itemLayers = new Array(); for (j = 0; j < this.items.length; j++) this.itemLayers[j] = getLayer("scroller" + i + "_itemLayers" + j); } // Position and clip base and scroll layers. moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, this.x, this.y); clipLayer(this.baseLayer, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); moveLayerTo(this.scrollLayer, this.border, this.border); clipLayer(this.scrollLayer, 0, 0, this.width - 2 * this.border, this.height - 2 * this.border); // Position and clip each item layer. x = 0; y = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { moveLayerTo(this.itemLayers[i], x, y); clipLayer(this.itemLayers[i], 0, 0, this.width, this.height); y += this.height; } // Set up scrolling parameters. this.stopped = false; this.currentY = 0; this.stepY = this.speed / (1000 / scrollerInterval); this.stepY = Math.min(this.height, this.stepY); this.nextY = this.height; this.maxY = this.height * (this.items.length - 1); this.paused = true; this.counter = 0; // Add to global list. scrollerList[scrollerList.length] = this; // Display it. showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerShow() { if (this.created) showLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerHide() { if (this.created) hideLayer(this.baseLayer); } function scrollerMoveTo(x, y) { if (this.created) moveLayerTo(this.baseLayer, x, y); } function scrollerMoveBy(dx, dy) { if (this.created) moveLayerBy(this.baseLayer, dx, dy); } function scrollerGetzIndex() { if (this.created) return(getzIndex(this.baseLayer)); else return(0); } function scrollerSetzIndex(z) { if (this.created) setzIndex(this.baseLayer, z); } function scrollerStart() { this.stopped = false; } function scrollerStop() { this.stopped = true; } //***************************************************************************** // Code for scrolling. //***************************************************************************** // An array is used to hold a pointer to each scroller that is defined. The // scrollerGo() function runs at regular intervals and updates each scroller // in this list. var scrollerList = new Array(); var scrollerInterval = 20; function scrollerGo() { var i; // Update each scroller object in the list. for (i = 0; i < scrollerList.length; i++) { // If stopped, skip. if (scrollerList[i].stopped); // If paused, update counter. else if (scrollerList[i].paused) { scrollerList[i].counter += scrollerInterval; if (scrollerList[i].counter > scrollerList[i].pauseTime) scrollerList[i].paused = false; } // Scroll it. else { scrollerList[i].currentY += scrollerList[i].stepY; // Pause it if the next item has scrolled into view. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].nextY) { scrollerList[i].paused = true; scrollerList[i].counter = 0; scrollerList[i].currentY = scrollerList[i].nextY; scrollerList[i].nextY += scrollerList[i].height; } // When we reach the end, start over. if (scrollerList[i].currentY >= scrollerList[i].maxY) { scrollerList[i].currentY -= scrollerList[i].maxY; scrollerList[i].nextY = scrollerList[i].height; } scrollLayerTo(scrollerList[i].scrollLayer, 0, Math.round(scrollerList[i].currentY), false); } } } //***************************************************************************** // Code to handle a window resize. //***************************************************************************** // These variables are used to determine if a resize event is a true one. // Necessary due to a bug in older NS4 releases. var origWidth; var origHeight; // Fix for resize bug. if (isMinNS4) { origWidth = window.innerWidth; origHeight = window.innerHeight; } window.onresize = scrollerReload; function scrollerReload() { // Reload page in case of a browser resize. First make sure it's a true // resize. if (isMinNS4 && origWidth == window.innerWidth && origHeight == window.innerHeight) return; window.location.href = window.location.href; }


This Site has only begun and we are working on it there are loads more features to come. This website is bein created by Anon visit his official wbsite at http://counterstrike.cs.tripod.com


Welcome to the home of the -=[OP6]=- clan!!. The -=[OP6]=- clan has been around since the begining of Counter-Strike. This site is basically just introducing u to the clan. If you are interested at all about joining are clan or have any questions please type them in the forum.  you can look for us at Rock'sHideout 9/ (ip:  We are trying to get a server for the clan.  if u can help at all then again put ur info and email adresses in the forum.  If you are an -=[OP6]=- member then go to the private clan forum and talk with other clan members.


post your comments. then i or Carl Davis will email you news and skins for counter-strike. (New news will be posted later and i will keep u updated on the performance of are servers and web sites!)


we are working on getting a server but we play on this one a lot

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